The Bookings plugin lets your customers book reservations, appointments or rentals on their own.
You can define fixed time slots for a class, appointment or guided tour. It is also possible to have customers choose the times that work best for them. With either option, you can block time off as unbookable and create buffers between bookings.
The plugin allows you to book in days, hours, and minutes, as well as set the minimum and the maximum number of participants. You can offer discounts for groups or people booking multiple slots and customize prices in many ways.
Services can be displayed in the customer’s time zone. The plugin also lets you set up a confirmation requirements, allowing you time to review a booking before making it official. In addition, by assigning the required resources to a particular booking, you can avoid double bookings.
Plugin Features
- Book classes, appointments, or reserve items
- One-on-one appointments/multi-person events
- Special pricing for groups, days, or individuals
- Shows availability in a time zone
- Confirmations/free cancellations
- Send reminders
- Assign resources to a booking
- Manage calendar and sync with Google Calendar