
This WooFAQs plugin allows you to add unlimited Frequently Asked Questions to your store’s products.

Your FAQs will appear in a new tab on your product page automatically. You will also be able to add or remove any FAQs from any product as you see fit. You can hook the FAQs tab right into your existing product tabs without you modifying a single line of code.

Plugin Features

  • Quick install and setup
  • Add unlimited FAQs to your products
  • Easily remove any FAQs from products at any time
  • Provide additional targeted and helpful content to product pages
  • Increases sales conversions by providing visitors with relevant information


Product FAQ


The Product FAQ plugin enables you to display product related FAQs on product pages. In addition it is possible to create general store FAQs on separate pages.

Your customers can use a “ask a question” form to ask/send new questions. The store administrator can review these questions and opt to enable them on the front-end with a comprehensive answer.