Product Table Ultimate


This plugin allows you to create a product table, where each row displays a product. The table allows users to add multiple products to their cart with a single action. This includes variable products and products with add-on fields.

It is possible to define the columns to be included in your table. This includes thumbnails, product titles, SKU’s, descriptions, stock level attributes, categories, tags, quantity and add to cart buttons.

By enabling the checkbox next to each product row, you allow users to add multiple products to their cart at once.


Products Compare


This plugin provides an option to compare products directly on the category page. It helps customers compare prices and other features side-by-side to find the product that’s right for them.

This is especially useful if you’re running a large store with many similar products. Once customers have selected a set of products to compare, they can see a detailed chart showing price, ratings, stock level, and descriptions.

You can add a comparison option anywhere on your store. The products a customer has already viewed will stay, so they can easily add more options as they browse your store.

Plugin Features

  • Select products to compare
  • Show detailed comparison tables
  • Add a comparison option anywhere


AJAX Products Filter


This plugin allows you to create product filters and apply them through AJAX (no page reload). Filter your products by attributes, custom taxonomies, price, tags and product categories.

You can select various types of filter widgets, including checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, range sliders, tag cloud and checkboxes with colors or images. Widgets can be customized by changing the styling.





The Brands plugin allows you to create brands that can be named, described and assigned an image for your online shop. After creating a brand, it can be assigned to a product. It can be listed and indexed on a page with A-Z shortcodes. They can be shown as thumbnails and in the sidebar. With a navigation widget, you can filter and view products according to their brands.


Product Filters


The Product Filters plugin allows you create shop filters. Filter products by categories, price, taxonomies, tags, and stock status so the searching for products in your shop becomes more efficient.

Plugin Features

  • Quick filtering of products using AJAX technology
  • Filter by categories, attributes, tags, taxonomies, price, stock status
  • Paginate and sort without reloading the page
  • Price slider, checkbox, radio list, dropdown, color list, box list, text list
  • Widgets “Products Filter” and “Notes for Product Filters”
  • Shortcodes and integration with product shortcodes
  • Adaptive filter options and product counts
  • Adaptive product thumbnails



Product Slider


This product slider plugin lets you showcase your online products in a carousel and slide layout with a lightbox effect to highlight the product details.

There are also a lot of customization options for the product slider. For example, it allows you to filter your product for all possible query conditions like taxonomies, categories, custom fields and search keywords. There is also a product sorting option that allows you to sort the products based on different parameters

Plugin Features

  • Display product in carousel or slide layout
  • Option for product filtration
  • Product sorting option
  • Add ribbons with text or icons to products
  • ‘Call To Action’ button
  • Social share option
  • Compatible with almost all the WordPress themes available.
  • RTL compatible
  • Fully responsive
  • Forum, email and chat support


Product Primary Category


The Product Primary Category plugin allows you to designate a main product category for each of your products that will be used in the URL and in breadcrumbs. When a product has two or more categories, this plugin will allow you to choose the default product category amongst them. In addition, primary category assignment can be achieved with a large amount of products with the bulk edit option. At last, the plugin provides its own product category widget that shows the current product category.


The option of primary category that is added to the editing products section

Quick Order


Quick Order plugin allows you to present your products in a way that your customers can search by the name of a product or the SKU, select as much as they want and purchase them at once. With the interactive and responsive Quick Order Table, the customers can see the products that they have chosen which fastens the process of their purchase. In addition, the admin can export the data in an excel, csv etc. file.



Product Brands – WooBrands


With Product Brands – WooBrands plugin, you can add your brands and their logos to your online shop, and assign different products to different brands.

The catalog page of brands allow you to list all the products that a brand has with their logos. The products can be sorted by their brands, and the brands can be alphabetically filtered.


Filter Plus


Filter Plus (unlimited product filter) is a plugin which provides you with options to create custom filters for your products.

Plugin Features

  • Minimal settings
  • All in one widget and shortcodes
  • Ajax/non-ajax loading
  • Fits with any theme
  • Multilingual and Visual Composer support
  • Detailed documentation
